
On Learning How to Build a Website


Ctrl + U is a good way to examine the HTML of a website. I like using this to learn about how the webpages from my favorite personal and handcoded websites.

Classless Css I'm finding that learning CSS is going to take some time. These class-less themes are dead simple and are a good starting point for reverse enginnering how CSS works. My personal goal is to use as few CSS classes as possible in designing this site. So far, I only use one to define the white background behind the text of my pages.

I like using Idiomatic to make writing for my website easy.

Adding Cool Stuff

Guestbook for Websites. Most sites I've seen with guestbooks use this service. I would like to try it out too.

Instagram Fonts. This is a fun way to add some unique text to my site without having to rely on importing fonts.

Gifcities.org. I like a lot of the gifs I've found at this site.

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